Our Structure
Not-for-Profit and non-government organisation registered under Australian corporate law, and is subject to regulations and governance provisions of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
The corporate entity of UFPA is a public company limited by guarantee of its members, it was incorporated on the 29 th July 1997
Registered with ATO: Unity of First People of Australia Limited
ABN: 29 079 519 243
GST: Registered from 01 July 2000
Charity Tax Concession Status: Unity of First People of Australia Limited is a Public Benevolent Institution endorsed to access the following tax concessions:
GST Concession
FBT Exemption
Income Tax Exemption
Deductible Gift Recipient Status: Unity of First People of Australia is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) from 01 July 2004. It is covered by Item 1 of the table in Section 30-15 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
ASIC Registration: 079 519 243
ACNC Registration: 079 519 243, from 3 December 2012
Organisation summary: Unity of First People of Australia (UFPA) was founded in 1997 and seeks to promote awareness of the unique benefits Aboriginal culture brings to Australian society.
Contact name and role: Sue Connor, Operations Manager
Email: admin@ufpa.net.au
Phone: 0437 902 679